Saturday 08 December 2018 9a-345p, Rm 112 Wurster Hall UC Berkeley
This year’s Berkeley River Restoration Symposium features a keynote talk Managing river sediment in extreme conditions: lessons for California by Professor Hsiao-Wen Wang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) followed by student research talks covering a wide range of restoration-related topics. The morning will feature research projects on rural stream systems, including post-project appraisal of a Sierra Nevada meadow restoration, analysis of alternatives for floodplain restoration at the confluence of Redwood and Prairie Creeks, the use of live wood in river restoration, hydro-geomorphic drivers of coho salmon outmigration in Russian River tributaries, and an initial assessment of Curry Creek, Mount Diablo. The afternoon talks focus on smaller urban streams, including post-project appraisals of Arroyo Viejo, Santa Rosa, and Codornices Creeks, planning for San Anselmo Creek in Creek Park and Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden. Panelists (including Lisa Hunt, Hsiao-Wen Wang, Rod Wittler, Tami Church, and Tim Pine) will comment on themes raised in the student research.
Registration | The symposium is free and open to the public but please register by Friday 12/07 so we can supply sufficient programs and coffee!
830a Coffee, registration
900a Welcome and Introduction
905a Keynote Speaker
Managing river sediment in extreme conditions: lessons for California
Hsiao-Wen Wang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (keynote)
950a Graduate Student Research
Post-project appraisal of a Sierra Nevada meadow restoration
Daria Kieffer, Beatriz Stambuk, Chris Kingsley, Berenice Gonzales, Erina SzetoFloodplain restoration Redwood and Prairie Creeks
Eiji Jimbo, Chandra Vogt, Jason Lin, Daniela Corvillon
1030 Coffee Break
1045 Graduate Student Research
Live wood in river restoration
Kelsey Wilson, Danielle Charleston, Melissa HasslerCoho salmon outmigration: hydro-geomorphic drivers in Russian River tributaries
Zack Dinh, Brian Kastl, Kyle Leathers, Lukas Winklerprins, Shelby WitherbyCurry Creek, Mount Diablo: an initial assessment
Trenton Saunders, Oda Joergensen
1145a Panel and Discussion
1230p Lunch break
130p Graduate Student Research
Arroyo Viejo Ck restoration: a post-project appraisal
Diana Saenz, Jill Dressler, Eric Garcia, Jon McCallSanta Rosa Creek plan: a post-project appraisal
Charlie Yue, Elyssa Lawrence, Lizzy Hurley, Yao ShuPlanning Creek Park, San Anselmo
Arturo Fuentes-Ortiz, Celina Gu, Chenyue Wang, Yuling ChenCodornices Creek, urban but not lost
Michael Orellana, Phoenix Alfaro, Vanessa OrdonezCerrito Creek: a re-evaluation
Matt Sasaki, Mingyao Wang, Thea Yang
315p Closing Panel and Discussion
345p Adjourn
Sponsored by Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley
About the Symposium and Course
Restoration of Rivers and Streams (Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227) is taught by Professor Matt Kondolf. Offered annually since 1992, it is the longest-running course devoted to river restoration at a major research university. This graduate-level course emphasizes understanding of underlying goals and assumptions of restoration, and integration of science into restoration planning and design. Students review restoration plans and evaluate completed projects. In addition to lectures and discussions by the instructor, students, and an extraordinary set of guest lecturers drawn from the active restoration community, the principal course requirement is an independent term project involving original research and a presentation at this Symposium.

Aerial view of episodic stream channels crossing alluvial fan surface in Rancho Cucamonga, California, constrained by subdivisions. (image courtesy of Google Maps)