
14th Annual River Restoration Symposium

Saturday 08 December 2018 9a-345p, Rm 112 Wurster Hall UC Berkeley


Tami Church is a Watershed Ecologist with over 8 years in the private sector and 5 years in the public sector.  In her current position with the Zone 7 Water Agency, she works to help the agency balance the needs of flood protection, habitat benefits, channel maintenance and watershed stewardship.  One of the current challenges on her mind—floodplains, restoration, and homelessness.  She is a proud UC Berkeley MLA-EP alumna.  Go Bears!


Lisa Hunt, PhD, PE is Associate Director of California River Restoration at American Rivers, a national nonprofit organization working to protect and restore rivers and streams. She is an environmental engineer and aquatic ecologist with over 22 years of experience, with a PhD in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management from UC Berkeley, an MS in Environmental Engineering from UC Berkeley, and a BS Agricultural and Environmental Systems Engineering from Cornell University.


Patina Mendez is a freshwater ecologist specializing in the life history characteristics of aquatic insects and their links with habitat. Using natural history museum collections and field-studies of caddisflies, she studies adult emergence between populations.  She is a Continuing Lecturer in Environmental Sciences at Berkeley where her courses focus on student centered learning through immersive senior research projects.  She earned her PhD in Environmental Science, Policy & Management at UC Berkeley.


Tim Pine is an 18-year member of the campus Office of Environment, Health and Safety with more than 25 years of experience in implementing state and federal environmental regulatory programs in both public sector water utilities and private sector chemical manufacturing.  For the last 15 years he has also been the primary adviser to the student led Strawberry Creek Restoration Program.


Hsiao-Wen Wang is Associate Professor at Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering of the National Cheng Kung University. Her research interests include hydraulics, sediment transport and management, river restoration and ecohydraulics. She is a grantee of Global Explorer Grant of National Geographic Society 2017/2018 and now a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley through the Fulbright Senior Research Program working on resolving the conflicts related to land use between green energy and other core necessities for environmental sustainability.


Rod Wittler is the Fish Resource Area Coordinator for the US Bureau of Reclamation under the Central Valley Project Improvement Act.  He served as the Senior Scientist of the Trinity River Restoration Program for from 2004-08, after being a Research Hydraulic Engineer at Reclamation’s Technical Service Center. Dr. Wittler has 32 years of general and research engineering experience in hydraulic models, river mechanics, flow measurement, sediment analysis, temperature modeling, adaptive management, and river restoration. He earned Bachelor, Masters, and PhD degrees from Colorado State University.