Network for Engineering with Nature Post-Doctoral Position

The Network for Engineering with Nature (NEWN) is a multi-institutional research entity for studying the role of natural, built, and social systems as part of an infrastructure portfolio. The network has a major research focus area on the interplay between infrastructure and biodiversity objectives. We are hiring a postdoctoral scholar to generally examine how engineering and design practices can more seamlessly incorporate biodiversity as both a design outcome and a benefit to engineering performance. Specifically, this position will focus on long-term asset management of dams and other freshwater infrastructure (e.g., decisions about removal, repair, divestment, etc.).  Additionally, the position will collaborate closely with other NEWN investigators on a variety of other cutting-edge topics related to natural infrastructure and nature-based solutions. Click here for more info.

Please also note that N-EWN has other postdoctoral positions currently available on other topics as well. Please refer to here for more info.