Miao Wang, Associate Professor, Tianjin University
Frank Yao, PhD candidate UC Berkeley
Tuesday 23 April, 2-3pm, Rm 315D Bauer Wurster Hall
This Riverlab seminar is about a canal, a man-made river that is longer than most natural rivers. With its long and layered history, the Grand Canal is now undergoing revitalization as a centerpiece of the cities through which it flows. In this seminar, two scholars look at the role of the river (current and potential) in Hangzhou and Tianjin.
Wang Miao is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at School of Architecture, Tianjin University. Her main research field includes Regional cultural heritages, Environmental protection and Regeneration, Big Data Analytics for landscape. She also teaches design studios deling with landscape architecture and cultural heritage protection.
Frank Yao is a PhD student in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at UC Berkeley.