Author: riverlab

UC Berkeley Environmental Planning Studio Goes to Lisbon…


In March, the UC Berkeley Environmental Planning studio travelled to Barreiro, which is located in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, lying in the South Bank of the Tagus Estuary Lisbon, Portugal. The students participated in a one-week workshop over spring break, working with post-graduate students from Lisbon and Ghent to study how to enhance the ecological benefits provided by the proximity to the estuary, how to cope with changes introduced by shifting economic conditions and sea-level rise, and how to improve connectivity along, and to, the city’s estuarine shorelines, bearing in mind the environmental and social issues at play.

Matt Kondolf delivers keynote…

Professor Matt Kondolf will deliver a keynote address entitled, “Challenges, impacts, and management opportunities for sediment in large river basins” to the meeting of the European Sediment Network in Genoa, Italy on 15 June. The meeting brings together researchers and managers from across Europe to address issue in sediment research and management.

Rafael Schmitt receives Young Researcher Award…


Postdoctoral scholar Rafael Schmitt received the Young Researcher Award of the International Hydropower Association (IHA) as an “emerging talent in the hydropower sector” for his work on modeling sediment transport and selecting optimal dam portfolios
in the lower Mekong River ( IHA News ). The award is given bi-annually at the IHA world congress. The award ceremony took place on May 9th in Addis Ababa during the IHA world congress, where Rafa presented his research.


Science and Restoration on Unstable Terrain

19-24 June 2017, Petrolia, California The Mattole River flows through an exceptionally dynamic landscape on Humboldt County’s Lost Coast.  Salmon historically thrived here despite periodic disturbances from earthquakes and intense storms, but massive clear-cutting in the mid-20th century set the stage for widespread loss of habitat resulting from accelerated erosion, excessive suspended fine sediment loads,…

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Sustainable Sediment Management in Dams

Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador 12 May 2017 Professor Matt Kondolf will present a keynote talk, “Planning dams for basin-scale sustainable sediment management” at a conference on sustainable sediment management in reservoirs (Perspectivas y retos del manejo sostenible de sedimentos en represas: Estrategias de manejo y mitigación de impactos) held at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional…

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River Basins and Development Trajectories: Cases from Africa, Asia and Europe

Terje Tvedt, Tarek Ketelsen Weds 05 April 0945-1145, Rm 223 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley With the increasing pace of development of water resources, including a doubling of global hydroelectric generating capacity anticipated within the next two decades, rivers are under mounting human pressure, with increasing potential for water-related conflicts, especially on rivers that cross state…

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