Author: riverlab

Water Resources Staff Engineer WEST Consultants

In this Entry Level Water Resources Staff Engineer position, you will apply your knowledge of principles of hydrology and hydraulics to respond to a broad range of water resources engineering assignments in surface-water riverine and estuarine environments to:

  • Study open channel flow, sediment transport, scour, stability, and deposition issues in rivers and reservoirs.
  • Estimate flood hazards and risk. Develop mitigation measures and alternatives for watersheds, including flood forecasting and inundation mapping.
  • Evaluate complex water resource systems including watersheds receiving rain and snow.
  • Perform integrated hydrologic modeling including potential impacts on surface and groundwater due to climate changes.
  • Conduct dam/levee engineering and safety investigations to include dam breach analysis, feasibility planning, operations studies, drainage analysis, water control manual updates.
  • Work as part of a project team to develop high quality deliverables for our clients.

More and more projects bill themselves as ‘process-based’. What distinguishes a real process-based project? Damion Ciotti and co-authors provide a concise summary in their new paper, ‘Design Criteria for Process-Based Restoration of Fluvial Systems’. The paper is freely available online from the journal Bioscience.

Project manager for stream restoration, and certifying farms for climate adaptation fish friendly farming

CLSI operates the award-winning Fish Friendly Farming (FFF) Certification Program in 15 California counties. Over 200,000 acres are enrolled in the program. The FFF program is a robust certification program that assesses the natural resources of individual farm parcels and includes slopes, soils and creeks and inventories management practices such as soil and water conservation, chemical use, water sources and other practices. We complete maps and a detailed farm plan which specifies Best Management Practices (BMPs) to improve water quality, reduce chemical use, conserve water, revegetate and restore habitats and other actions. In Napa over 90% of the vineyards are FFF certified. CLSI certifies over 15 crops including fruit and nut orchards, field crops, vineyards, cannabis and ranch land.

CLSI also operates the Climate Adaptation Certification, the first agricultural certification program. This program models greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration for all activities on a farm – cover crops, tillage, nitrogen use, burning, diesel equipment use and other actions as well as carbon sequestered in soils, hedgerow and native habitat plantings and existing open space and habitats on the property. Two future scenarios with changed practices are also modeled.

CLSI carries out its programs and projects by establishing collaborative relationships with landowners/managers and agricultural organizations. CLSI also completes scientific studies and monitoring in cooperation with agencies, environmental groups, landowners and other scientists. The organization’s offices are located in Napa, California.

We are seeking a Project Manager to carry out a range of activities including implementation of the FFF program for both irrigated lands and rangeland, implementation of the Climate Adaptation Certification program, technical assistance with state soil health programs and the implementation of erosion control and stream restoration projects. The Project Manager will be an integral part of a small and collaborative staff who works together closely. Salaries are based on experience and education and are competitive for the SF Bay Area. Dental and medical benefits, and a retirement program are included. CLSI is an equal opportunity employer. Submit resume to [email protected] by October 8, 2021.

Eco-Engineer/Eco-Hydrologist – cbec eco engineering

cbec eco engineering is seeking to hire a skilled Eco-Engineer/Eco-Hydrologist I to assist the company in providing technical services to clients. Individuals’ professional experience should include 2+ years technical experience in water resources with a B.S. degree or candidates should have an M.S. or Ph.D. in civil engineering, environmental engineering, water resources, hydrology, or fluvial geomorphology. Responsibilities will include performing technical studies in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology, water quality and restoration design. Tasks will involve developing and applying numerical models, collecting field data, contributing to environmental rehabilitation project design, producing technical reports and figures and potentially managing small projects. Experience developing and applying hydrologic and hydraulic numerical models and competence in coding and GIS are desired. This position offers a great opportunity to work with a passionate and technically proficient team developing scientifically rigorous assessments and restoration designs in a diverse range of California stream, river, wetland and estuary environments.


Rivers carry not only water, but also sediment. Yet sediment has been largely neglected in many studies of river history, and in current management plans. Profs Giacomo Parrinello and Matt Kondolf review how sediment has been treated (or ignored) by scholars in this introduction to a special issue in the journal Water History.


Riverlab is supporting the ongoing effort to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River, building on research conducted by Mark Tompkins and Matt Kondolf over a decade ago. An agreement among Tribes, NGOs, local stakeholders, the states of California and Oregon, and importantly, the owner of the dams, has paved the way for removing the dams starting in 2023, as reflected in this recent CBS News report. It will be the largest dam removal in the country and promises to benefit salmon runs in the river, which have been reduced by impacts of the dams and land use in the basin.

Student Presentations and Publications – 16th Annual River Restoration Symposium

A Social Analysis of the San Marcos River
Lilly Byrd

Carbon sequestration potential on a reconnected floodplain: insights from the Cosumnes River, California
Britne Clifton

Fire and Water: Establishing a Geomorphic Baseline for a Perennial Stream in the Walbridge Fire Footprint
Morgan Cooney, Adrienne Dodd, and Molly Oshun

A Restoration on Yongding River, Beijing
Yifan Feng

Salinas River: Historical context, maintenance, and biodiversity
MaFe Gonzalez

The impact of water level fluctuation on vegetation: An assessment of Zhenjiang Section of Yangtze River
Trista Hu

Riparian vegetated buffer in Chinese urban wetlands: a case study of Xixi wetland, Hangzhou
Karen Jin and Jingyi Chen

Restoring San Leandro/Lisjan Creek: Re-establishing Sacred Relationships as Pathways toward Decolonization
Janet Le

The Urban Gauntlet for Steelhead Trout: A Reconnaissance Study of Habitat in Upper Bollinger and Little Pine Creeks, Contra Costa County
Ali Parmer, Derek Morimoto, and Rebecca Kaliff

Understanding the water, understanding the canyon: establishing a baseline study of the Redwood Canyon reach of Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden
Camille Thoma and Dulce Rivas

The Social Evaluation of the Interval River of Shanghai Houtan Wetland Park
Peixuan Wu, Yuetian Wang, and Zhehang Li


Tonle Sap Lake is unique in its ecological and cultural importance. In the rainy season, water flows upstream from the Mekong River to swell the lake to 4 times its dry-season extent, creating extensive shallow water habitat for fish. When the lake drains back to the Mekong through the Tonle Sap River, it creates one of the greatest fishing grounds of the world, providing protein to millions of people. Research by former Riverlab/Fulbright visiting scholar Chantha Oeurng and his student Ty Sok demonstrates evolving flow and sediment relations between the lake and the Mekong River. The just-published paper,  Assessment of Suspended Sediment Load Variability in the Tonle Sap and Lower Mekong Rivers, Cambodia, is available for free download until late May from Catena here.