Category: Relevant Job Postings

RDG Position Opening: Landscape Designer/Landscape Architect

Restoration Design Group is a small, interdisciplinary landscape architecture and engineering firm focused on open space design, planning, and ecological restoration. They are seeking a motivated individual interested in creek restoration with the ability to draft construction documents in AutoCAD, produce graphic materials, and conduct occasional outdoor field work. Click here to read more about the hiring.

Additional information about RDG can be found on their website: and also our social media accounts (@RDG_Inc on Twitter and @RestorationDesignGroup on Instagram).

Water Resources Staff Engineer WEST Consultants

In this Entry Level Water Resources Staff Engineer position, you will apply your knowledge of principles of hydrology and hydraulics to respond to a broad range of water resources engineering assignments in surface-water riverine and estuarine environments to:

  • Study open channel flow, sediment transport, scour, stability, and deposition issues in rivers and reservoirs.
  • Estimate flood hazards and risk. Develop mitigation measures and alternatives for watersheds, including flood forecasting and inundation mapping.
  • Evaluate complex water resource systems including watersheds receiving rain and snow.
  • Perform integrated hydrologic modeling including potential impacts on surface and groundwater due to climate changes.
  • Conduct dam/levee engineering and safety investigations to include dam breach analysis, feasibility planning, operations studies, drainage analysis, water control manual updates.
  • Work as part of a project team to develop high quality deliverables for our clients.
Project manager for stream restoration, and certifying farms for climate adaptation fish friendly farming

CLSI operates the award-winning Fish Friendly Farming (FFF) Certification Program in 15 California counties. Over 200,000 acres are enrolled in the program. The FFF program is a robust certification program that assesses the natural resources of individual farm parcels and includes slopes, soils and creeks and inventories management practices such as soil and water conservation, chemical use, water sources and other practices. We complete maps and a detailed farm plan which specifies Best Management Practices (BMPs) to improve water quality, reduce chemical use, conserve water, revegetate and restore habitats and other actions. In Napa over 90% of the vineyards are FFF certified. CLSI certifies over 15 crops including fruit and nut orchards, field crops, vineyards, cannabis and ranch land.

CLSI also operates the Climate Adaptation Certification, the first agricultural certification program. This program models greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration for all activities on a farm – cover crops, tillage, nitrogen use, burning, diesel equipment use and other actions as well as carbon sequestered in soils, hedgerow and native habitat plantings and existing open space and habitats on the property. Two future scenarios with changed practices are also modeled.

CLSI carries out its programs and projects by establishing collaborative relationships with landowners/managers and agricultural organizations. CLSI also completes scientific studies and monitoring in cooperation with agencies, environmental groups, landowners and other scientists. The organization’s offices are located in Napa, California.

We are seeking a Project Manager to carry out a range of activities including implementation of the FFF program for both irrigated lands and rangeland, implementation of the Climate Adaptation Certification program, technical assistance with state soil health programs and the implementation of erosion control and stream restoration projects. The Project Manager will be an integral part of a small and collaborative staff who works together closely. Salaries are based on experience and education and are competitive for the SF Bay Area. Dental and medical benefits, and a retirement program are included. CLSI is an equal opportunity employer. Submit resume to [email protected] by October 8, 2021.

Eco-Engineer/Eco-Hydrologist – cbec eco engineering

cbec eco engineering is seeking to hire a skilled Eco-Engineer/Eco-Hydrologist I to assist the company in providing technical services to clients. Individuals’ professional experience should include 2+ years technical experience in water resources with a B.S. degree or candidates should have an M.S. or Ph.D. in civil engineering, environmental engineering, water resources, hydrology, or fluvial geomorphology. Responsibilities will include performing technical studies in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology, water quality and restoration design. Tasks will involve developing and applying numerical models, collecting field data, contributing to environmental rehabilitation project design, producing technical reports and figures and potentially managing small projects. Experience developing and applying hydrologic and hydraulic numerical models and competence in coding and GIS are desired. This position offers a great opportunity to work with a passionate and technically proficient team developing scientifically rigorous assessments and restoration designs in a diverse range of California stream, river, wetland and estuary environments.

Postdoc position: Assessing ecosystem benefits for hydropower under land use and climate change

The successful candidate will explore impacts of climate and landuse change on a hydropower dam in Peru (recently acquired by a major a Chinese State-owned Enterprise), and evaluate opportunities for catchment management to reduce those impacts. The project is with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the position will be shared between Stanford and Beijing. The candidate should be fluent in Chinese and have a background in hydrology or landuse planning. The announcement is here.

EPA Watershed Management Postgraduate Research Opportunity
DEADLINE: May 29, 2020
Office of Water | Washington, DC | Full-time | MONTHLY STIPEND PROVIDED

This opportunity will provide excellent exposure to the interface of watershed technical issues and environmental policy. It also offers exposure to the interaction between State and EPA CWA program practitioners in implementing their respective responsibilities under the CWA 303(d) program. Under the guidance of a mentor, the research participant will be involved in the activities above and will learn: (1)The respective roles of EPA, states and tribes in achieving the goals of the Clean Water Act (CWA) to achieve and maintain water quality; (2) Programmatic approaches and policy and technical tools to identify and develop restoration and protection plans for impaired or high quality waters, including those related to address nutrient impairments; (3) How states and EPA can continue to push the CWA 303(d) listing and TMDL program to better achieve environmental results in ways tailored to specific state priorities; (4) How to leverage different media to convey water quality information to a variety of audiences.

>>Job description

Environmental Scientist: Regulatory Compliance Specialist – Pacific Watershed Associates

Pacific Watershed Associates is seeking applicants for the position of Environmental Scientist: Regulatory Compliance Specialist based in their office in McKinleyville, Humboldt County, California. Pacific Watershed Associates Inc., established in 1989, is a full service geological, hydrological, engineering, and biological consulting firm specializing in the development of technically sound management, restoration, and environmental solutions for watershed, forest, riverine, and coastal habitats. PWA is based in McKinleyville, California with an office in Petaluma (northern San Francisco Bay Area).

The application deadline is March 17. Click on the link bellow to view the job posting.

Executive Director – Mattole Restoration Council

The Mattole Restoration Council is a 36 year-old watershed restoration non-profit on the Lost Coast of Northern California, with a million dollar plus annual budget and a regular staff of nine.  We are a membership organization with an elected board of directors that undertakes landscape-scale watershed restoration and rehabilitation in the Mattole watershed and adjacent areas, and promotes a stewardship land ethic.  For more information about our programs, please visit

Job responsibilities

  • Works with the board of directors to execute the mission and long-term strategic goals;
  • Oversees and manages 9 regular staff and 60 seasonal employees;
  • Leads fundraising efforts and works with the program staff to develop projects and submit grant proposals to various federal and state agencies and foundations;
  • Directs the implementation of organizational policies and the strategic plan;
  • Acts as liaison to the community, partner groups, agencies, and other stakeholders;
  • Oversees fiscal management.

Desired Qualifications

  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Experience with fundraising and developing federal and state grant proposals;
  • Experience with managing federal and state contracts;
  • Ability to establish dynamic relationships with a broad base of stakeholders;
  • Experience with non-profit fiscal and personnel management;
  • Commitment to community based watershed restoration;
  • A background in environmental science/biology/ecology;
  • Familiarity with watershed restoration strategies and methods;
  • Strong sense of self-direction and self-organization;

The position is full to half time (negotiable), and reports to the board of directors.  Compensation is commensurate with experience, and includes health, vacation, training and retirement benefits. The position is based in the Petrolia office, with travel throughout the watershed and Northern California. A valid driver’s license and functioning personal vehicle are required.

To Apply:  Email cover letter, resume/CV and three references to John Williams, [email protected].  For more information, call John at 707 629 3265.

This position is open until filled; interviews begin on January 13, 2020.

SF Bay Regional Water Board | Environmental Scientist

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board has an opening for an Environmental Scientist in the Watershed Management Division. The position is located at 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400, Oakland, CA 94612. The position will play a key role in the Region’s municipal stormwater program team, coordinating implementation of the statewide small and non-traditional municipal urban stormwater permit, and will permit of creek and wetland fill projects, including projects in the Bay margin, among key tasks.

See full job posting here.

Applications are due on or before November 22.