August 18-22, 2024 Sagehen Creek Field Station, Truckee, California

8h Welcome and overview of shortcourse (Kondolf, Wilcock)
8h30 Introduction to Sagehen Field Station
9h Channel processes, patterns & forms, floodplains, vegetation interactions (Kondolf)
10h30 Break
11h Alluvial sediment. Types of sediment problems, grain entrainment and benthos adaptation,
frequency and distribution of disturbance (Wilcock)
12h Lunch (Be dressed for the field by the end of lunch)
13h Organisms in fluvial environments. Natural history, population biology, flow regime
adaptation. (Limm)
14h15 Sagehen Creek: Alluvial water table and riparian vegetation, Facies and habitat mapping
(Limm, Kondolf) (Sagehen Ck below main camp) Small groups prepare meadow transect and
riparian/channel feature/habitat/facies map
17h Participant introductions, (classroom, refreshments)
18h Stream-riparian floodplain restoration in montane environments (Shaw, Kondolf)
19h00 Dinner

8h Channel adjustments & sustainable sediment management (Kondolf)
9h15 Controls on ecosystem function. River food webs and ecosystem services (Limm)
10h15 Break
10h45 Hydrology and hydraulics, estimating transport rates and their uncertainty. Flood
frequency & flow duration, estimating critical discharge, sediment transport, uncertainty
12h Stream table demonstration concurrent with lunch (Tinoco) Groups of appx 12 rotate
through for 20min each. (Be dressed for the field by the end of lunch)
13h15 Floodplain overview and re-connection (Tompkins)
14h Sagehen Creek: Monitoring bed conditions. (Sagehen Ck below main camp) Flow and
sediment sampling methods (Shaw). Bed material mapping & sampling (Wilcock, Limm,
Kondolf, Shaw)
16h30 Pebbles & Cheer: Analyze data from field, sediment transport spreadsheet exercise.
Calculate frequency of floods, sediment disturbance & transport (classroom, refreshments)
18h00 Channel classification, the stable channel paradigm vs restoring process (Kondolf)
19h00 Dinner

(prepare bag lunch during breakfast)
8h Incorporating sediment transport in channel design. Equilibrium vs performance-based
channel design. (Wilcock)
9h30 Depart on field Trip to the Truckee River basin (Kondolf, Wilcock, Sega, Litchfield,
Shaw): Truckee River Gorge: human alterations and restoration strategies (Sega); Truckee River
downtown Reno: urban river restoration (Litchfield); Perazzo Meadows: pond & plug restoration
(Shaw) (Board vans for field trip in parking area above kitchen, Optional: bring swim suit for
Truckee River at Wingfield Park)
17h30 Discussion of observations from Truckee/Perazzo field trip (classroom)
18h Overview of stream restoration in the Lake Tahoe basin, preview of Thursday’s field trip
(Swanson and others)
19h Dinner

06h45 Early breakfast (prepare bag lunch during breakfast)
07h45 Early departure on field trip to Trout Ck, Upper Truckee River, Truckee River Marsh,
Meeks Ck, Blackwood Ck (Swanson, Schurr, Carroll, Kondolf, Wilcock) (Board vans for field
trip in parking area above kitchen, Optional: bring swim suit for Lake Tahoe at Meeks Ck)
18h Discussion of observations from field trip. (classroom, refreshments)
19h Dinner

8h Student workshop, Part 1: Participants present problems faced in their work for discussion.
(McBain, Wilcock, Swanson, Monahan, Kondolf)
9h30 Short break
9h45 Trinity River Restoration Program and geomorphic studies: large-scale restoration at the
program scale, geomorphic flow basis & application (tracer rocks, riparian scour, sediment
transport, release hydrographs). (McBain)
11h45 Lunch (pack up during lunch hour)
13h Restoring mining-impacted rivers (Monahan)
13h45 Restoring process (Kondolf)
14h15 Student workshop, Part 2: Participants present problems faced in their work for discussion.
(McBain, Wilcock, Monahan, Kondolf)
16h Course conclusion, depart Sagehen (Reno airport shuttle departs at 15h)